Monday, October 5, 2009

Us Lately

WARNING-It's lengthy (and the photos are bachwards-but you can figure it out), but hey it's my blog so I am entitled to vent and celebrate a bit when it's needed...

So...we have had some issues with the house as I am sure some of you have read on Facebook. We had to bring in a structural engineer to check out the roof and a few other things. He came back with a small list of things to do, which included adding beams to the roof. I just talked to him again today and after what we thought would be 4 exposed beams it is now sounding like it will be 6 to get our roof past the 15 lbs snow load it has right now. For those of you who don't know much about snow load and Pinedale, we need more than that because that will only hold 1.5 ft of snow before you start to have issues that show within your home. Needless to say it has been pretty stressful and we have had quite an unhappy contractor-but I don't feel too bad because he should have done it right the first time and if he was unsure about snow load because he's from Georgia he should have done some research. So...N-E-Ways, we are waiting until tomorrow to hopefully sort it all out and get our house back on the track to completion. They now have the septic in (which is the huge concrete tank you see them putting in in the photo), and have started the outside to have the rock put on. They also have all the taping done and sanded, and the windows and wells put in the basement.

Eric was able to go hunting during all of these roofing issues-I tried hard to talk with everyone on my own to sort it out, but the contractor refuses to listen to me and my logic :0) Anyways Eric was able to stay out there even though he was stressed and on his last day he shot a great 6 point bull. We got lots of meat and he is super excited to have one of his best Elk kills yet!!

On another note I had a birthday on Saturday and turned 1/2 of 50 (even though the candles only say 20...we used what we had). We were able to go to SLC with Eric's Mom and Brother to see his other brother and his wifey. We had a super fun time and I had an awesome birthday. I was able to hang out with my good friend from H.S. -she was so sweet and took me to breakfast!! I had the best syrup I have ever had (no offense Mom)-lots of butter involved I am sure!! Thanks Linds-you're the best and I will miss you like crazy!! Then I was able to do some serious shopping with Eric and the fam. For lunch we went to Tucano's-nothing like a little Brazilian food, but the funniest part was when they came to sing to me as we were headed out the door-they were super slow. The looks on their faces when they got to the empty table...almost better than the looks of the dessert they were carrying-hahaha. To top it all off we went to a comedy show, and convinced them to do a funny game involving blind folds-acting-and mousetraps (notice the guys clenched toes as he is taking a step). To finish off my great day we had fondue...could a girl ask for anything more???? We had cake on Sunday after a wonderful meal of steak and coconut shrimp-yummy!!! Thanks to you all for a great birthday!!

The only downside of the trip was driving home in tons of rain, sleet, and snow!! Peggy and Cam had to stay the night with us last night because the pass was closed for them to make it home. We have had snow off and on all day today, and still have a bit on the ground. Nothing like an early snow to prepare you for winter. Pray for us that it will stop until they get the roof fixed :0).


The Lennons said...

Phew! You guys are very busy these days! Happy belated birthday!

A said...

Wow, happy super late birthday!! Sorry about the house probs- I know how stressful that can be. Lindsy looks great, can't believe she's having twins!!

Lindsy Hartsock said...

I'm so glad you got to come down! Do you think you could email me a copy of those pictures you took? Good luck with the house!! I'm dying to come visit when it's done :) I'm not sure exactly how that will work, but hopefully someday!