Wednesday, April 27, 2011


We have been working like crazy it seems! I have finally posted some of our old adventures...hopefully I can get around to doing Christmas soon ;0). Anyways, check out the posts, there's a few of them. While you're at it check out Eric's new's pretty inspiring-he's doing big things for the kids and he's just the man for the job! Eric has an amazing passion for Athletics and Physical Educations and overall kids in general. He has done a ton of work on this and it is going to be amazing! This is one of the posters I created that they will be using for their new program. We're both happy and healthy and busy as ever. Me with 3 jobs+photography (we're saving for Hawaii in August!) and him with Track/Work/Pure Performance/and hopefully ZERO. Love all our friends!! And remember to work hard so you can slow down and take a vacation from life :0)!

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