Friday, July 31, 2009

Little Bit Of Vacation and Our Big Hole

Here are a few of the photos we took of our little vacation...lots more on my other camera which won't load onto this computer :0(. We went to South Dakota with Eric's mom and little brother. We had a really great time, and were able to see lots of things while we were there. We went miniature golfing, to Mount Rushmore, the Reptile Gardens, drove the Needles hwy, saw Crazy Horse at a distance, went to a crazy place that these brothers found where the law of physics does not work called Cosmos, ate lots of good food, did a little shopping, went to Jewel cave, went gold panning, and a few other things. I would recommend everyone see Mount Rushmore-it is really cool up close. Although Eric always told me it looks the same in pictures-I have to disagree, it is really quite amazing the talent and work it took to make it. Anyways, we had a great time...but we are excited to get back to our house and see how it is progressing. They have decided to wait to pour the foundation when we get back on Monday to give the footers an okay. Here are the photos I have so far of the big hole.
Happy vacations for all my friends!!

Monday, July 20, 2009

BIG News!!!

Although it won't look quite like this (although that would be quite a tree house idea for later-haha)-we are getting a house built-starting tonight!! I haven't posted sooner because it seems like we have gone back and forth so much so I didn't want to get my hopes up. However, it is a go-I bought the building permit today and we met the financial backer and builder last night. We should be closed on it by November 15th-yea!!! I will hate moving again, but at least it will be into our home and hopefully we won't have to do it again for quite awhile. It will be a 1552 sq ft home over an unfinished basement with a walkout and an over sized garage. I will admit that this whole process has been overwhelming at times, but we really feel like the lord has blessed us with this opportunity and since it was too good to walk away from we took the plunge. Soon we will be HOMEOWNERS, I can't believe it after several moves and apartments-but I couldn't be more excited!! We are going modern/traditional inside with some cool details. The outside will be siding with slate rock. We have it all pretty much hashed out and I hope it all works out like it has in my head :0). I will post more details as we get them!!
Happy news for all my friends!


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Our Summer So Far

This is what our summer has looked like so lots of photos of Eric fishing (which I don't have on this computer). My parents came up for the 4th, and we hung out with them over the weekend. My Dad and Eric did some fishing, and my Mom and I went to Jackson on the 4th. We all had a really great time, and surprisingly enough the fireworks here are really good-thank goodness for the natural gas fields since they foot the bill. Then I went with my parents to Post Falls for a credit union convention, and Eric stayed home and had a buddy come up to fish. My Mom and I did lots of shopping, and spent some good quality time with my Dad at night. It was different going on a trip with my parents now that I am married, I don't think I have done that since we have been. We had some great conversations and a really good trip overall. Then my parents came back with me for 1 more weekend. It was Rendezvous days here so they had a rodeo and some stuff going on in town-little shops, food, and such. I am glad we finally had break after being done with summer school. I will post photos soon of our new little apartment.
Happy summers for all my friends!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Oh, Say Does That Star Spangled Banner Yet Wave, O'r The Land Of The Free And The Home Of The Brave!!!

Happy fourth to all you bloggies out there!!! I hope it was a safe and wonderful one. Ours in Pinedale was easy going. My parents are here so my Dad and Eric went fishing, and my Mom and I headed to Jackson. We all had a great time and then met back up for a little Bar-b-Que dinner and firework watching. The fireworks here are really good, and they had a live band playing while they were going off. The only drawback was the car alarm that kept going off next to us each time the fireworks would boom. It was nice to do something laid back, it gave me time to reflect on how blessed I am to live in the good ole US of A. Having been to a few other countries I know we are blessed materially and although it really made me angry then, when I got back from those desolated countries and saw how greedy and ungenerous people here can be, I know that there are many amazing people in this country. I now think of our soldiers who willingly serve-not because their government makes them, but because they believe in what this country stands for (thank you to all you soldiers out there!!). I think of men and women who everyday put themselves out there to make a difference and strive to make things better for others they might not even know, even though they don't get money or recognition. I thought today at church of my ability to worship as I choose without backlash or fear of retaliations. I think of my job and my ability to get an education and work and get paid fairly for the work I do. Overall, I know I could go on and on, but I know we are truly blessed to live in this nation. I only hope that we never forget that, or the sacrifices that were/are made by so many so that we continue to have those freedoms (have you thanked a soldier lately?). May we always remember, and never forget to help those who are not so fortunate!
Happy fourth to all my friends!!
