Thursday, December 24, 2009

I Believe....

I wanted to share with you all our Christmas card the won't make it out this year, and my modified Christmas Story and Message, it's long-but the message is true! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season-however you celebrate, may you keep the light of Christ with you all year round! Love to you all!!

Twas' the night before Christmas and I was thinkin' 'bout the house...hoping my pipes haven't froze and that there is no mouse! Knowing our clothes have been hung in the closet with care, in hopes that our shoes might soon join them there. The boxes are nestled all snug in the garage, hoping soon to be unpacked with the rest of the junk in the lodge. Me in my flannels and Eric in his shorts, thinking about unpacking, painting, bills, and sports (Eric that is). When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter (hoping it wasn't my Mom's awful neighbors again). Away to the window I flew like a flash, tore open the curtains expecting to see a big clash. The streetlights were bright and flashing with glee, much to my surprise only snow did I see. When my eyes wandered up what should appear? Why it was a whole honkin' huge sleigh and 8 massive reindeer! Lead by a man not too small but quick, I knew in a moment that large man must be St. Nick! More speedy than lightening down from the sky he came, he hollered and yelled and called them by name. "Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Donder and Blitzen!" To my amazement they flew from the roofs to the walls, then they dashed away, dashed away! Dashed away all! And then in an instant, I heard on our roof the dancing and prancing of each little hoof! As I turned from the window and flew down the last stair, there came St. Nick down our chimney with care! He was adorned in red fur, from his top to his feet, and eyes had a twinkling that was really quite sweet. He carried a bunch of neat things that we need, he pulled out a gift and I followed his lead. "His eyes-how they twinkled! His Dimples how merry! His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry! His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow, and the beard on his chin was as white as the snow! (I'm just gonna skip the part about smoking-nasty!) He had a broad face and a little round belly that shook when he laughed like a bowl full of jelly." He was chubby and round (we have much in common), a happy shining old light, and I laughed when I saw him and choked on my sprite (hehe). With a quick little glance, he giggled my way, and it was then I knew that it was okay. He said nothing to me, but laid down the lot, he got all we needed-there was not a thing he forgot! He then ate all the cookies and up the chimney he sprang, while up the rooftop his sleigh bells they rang. He jumped in his sleigh and the reindeer they did it, they headed to Wyoming where there's less people to visit! "But I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight, Merry Christmas to all", and don't forget on this night that a Savior was born-who brought us all light! It is his birth we celebrate, not the gifts and Santa's story, but the giving and Christlike living that will bring us all glory! So when you forget and get wrapped up in the season, remember this season has more of a reason. Santa is only a representation of all things good, he stands for Christ and all that we all should. (adapted from Clement C. Moore's, Twas The Night Before Christmas)
"I believe in Santa Clause. Imagine Santa. What is he like? He wears red. His hair is white. He comes in the night. He loves little children. He wants us to be good. And he brings gifts. Now imagine Jesus. What is He like? He wears red. His hair is white. He comes in the night. He loves little children. He knows we are good. And he brings gifts. Santa Claus is a symbol of Christmas. The symbols of Christmas can remind us of the true meaning of Christmas. The symbols of Christmas remind me of Christ. So, I believe in Santa Clause." (I Believe In Santa Clause, by Diane G. Adamson)
I the symbols of Christmas:
Christmas Tree Lights: The lights represent Christ as being the "Light of the World."
Fir Tree: The pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year round, depicting the everlasting hope of mankind, all the needles point heavenward, making it a symbol of man's thoughts turning toward heaven.
Star: The star was the heavenly sign of promises long ago. God promised a Savior for the world, and the star was the sign of fulfillment of His promise. It is also used on top of the Christmas tree to represent the guiding of the Shepherds by a star to find the baby Jesus.
Candle: The candle symbolizes that Christ is the light of the world, and when we see this great light we are reminded of He who displaces the darkness.
Wreath: The wreath symbolizes the real nature of love. Real love never ceases. Love is one continuous round of affection.
Santa Claus: The symbol of the generosity and good will we feel during the month of December.
Holly Leaf: The holly plant represents immortality. It represents the crown of thorns worn by our Savior. The red holly berries represent the blood shed by Him.
Gifts: The symbol that God so loved the world that he gave his begotten son. Gifts are to remind us that Jesus Christ was a gift to us from God.
Candy Cane: The candy cane represents the shepherds' crook. The crook on the staff helps to bring back strayed sheep to the flock. The candy cane is the symbol that we are our brother's keeper.
Angel: The angels that heralded in the glorious news of the Savior's birth. The angels sang Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will toward men.
Bell: The bell is the symbol that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring mankind to the fold. The bell symbolizes guidance and return.
Red and Green Colors: The color red symbolizes the sacrifice of Jesus. Green is the perfect background for the red. Green represents youth, hope and nature.
Snow: Peace, purity, and renewal.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Signed away my life and 1st child...

Mid-morning we should finally be the owner of our new home. It's been a long ride...but it is finally paying off!! It feels a little like signing away your life and your 1st child, but none the less it's over and we are moving things in today (thanks mom for coming!!). It's strange to go from no debt and lots of money to lots of debt and no money. I will post photos when we don't live in dirt and boxes :0)!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Closing date #3 come and gone...still no house!!

All crap broke lose this weekend...literally! Our pipe to our septic froze and in doing so we ended up with sewer water in the basement. It was coming out of the toilet pipe that is roughed in down in the basement. This is just one of the pleasantries that has occurred while doing the house. I knew building would be stressful and that we would have some issues...but I never anticipated all the problems we have had:
#1-Me being flashed by our cabinet maker
#2-Our roof having a 15 pound snow load
#3-Our builder skipping town mid project
#4-Having to finish incomplete or wrong projects ourselves
#5-Having to do the floor to get it complete after the floor guy tried unsuccessfully 2 times
#6-Frozen septic line
Of course there have been other minor problems, but even with all of this I feel that we are pretty blessed to be able to close only 1 month past our closing date! I am so grateful that our financer is such an honest man...because otherwise we would be out several thousands of dollars! He has currently lost around $35,000 on our house and has been pretty amazing about the whole thing, and I feel very very blessed that the Lord has been looking out for us through this whole ordeal! We have even been able to do a lot of the work on our own to save some money (now only if it would save us on time too...I guess I can't be too picky!!)!! These are a few of the things I have learned/am learning how to do:
#1-Masonry, we rocked most of the exterior that was left
#2-Finish Trim, I made my first 45 and baseboard seam on my own
#3-Power tools...yes, I can figure out most of the ones in my house now
#4-Door knobs, I thought they would be easy...boy was I wrong, time consuming little suckers
#5-Finishing hardwood floors, stain-polyurethane
#6-Patience and people skills
#7-Caulking joints, OCD does not help on this one
#8-How to set a door
#9-How to pick out the right things for a house

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Week

So I know how lame it is that I didn't get any photos of Thanksgiving, but my mind was pretty preoccupied with all the things I needed to accomplish and I was really stressed about our hardwood floors. Eric and I had to have another go around with them after the floor guy tried twice and didn't do the job we expected. So, before we left for Cody we worked super hard to get the floors ready for another coat of Urethane. We had to pick out all the of the gunk the floor guys put into the holes, refill the holes, sand the holes, stain the holes, prep the floor for the 1st new coat, and then put it on. When we got back on Sunday we sanded them and did another coat. It was a lot of work, but they look so much better than they did before. Even though they are not prefect I would say that we did a pretty fine job on the floors. We are wishing though that we had just taken the money and done them ourselves because they still put us back like 3 weeks with all the problems, and we ended up helping with everything except the sanding (which is the easiest part)-without getting paid for most of it. Essentially we paid someone to do the floors that we ended up doing most of ourselves-really annoying!! Anyways, Thanksgiving was really fun and we were so glad we were able to see Eric's whole family! We had family photos taken as well, so I told my MIL that I would edit them to save some I whipped up a Christmas card for her as well :0). We did lots of fun things in Cody besides shopping, eating, and hanging out/playing games-we went to the movie "Blindside"-which was amazing, and to Cody's downtown light parade. I got a little bit of work done on the computer while we were there too, it was nice to have a break and a chance to catch up on life without the house hanging over our heads! Thanks for all the fun times Oram family!! Love to you all and happy memory making to all my friends!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank a Soldier...

With today being Veterans day I thought I would take the opportunity to say thanks to all of those soldiers out there!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU...this country would not be the same without you!! Eric was telling me about an e-mail he received yesterday about an English teacher in a high school who wanted to teach her kiddos about the importance of our service men and women. When the kids entered her class they found that there were no desks in the room, nor were there chairs for them to sit on. When they asked the teacher she told them that they didn't just deserve to have the chairs, but that they could earn them. They spent the majority of their class time trying to figure out what they would have to do to earn their chairs back. Would they have to get good grades? Be on time? The list went on and on. Finally the teacher told them what they would have to do to get their chairs back. She opened up the classroom door and several veterans entered carrying chairs and desks. She told the students that because of these veterans they have the right now to a free education. That because of their sacrifices and service given to the United States these kids were now able to enjoy all the rights and freedoms they have, and that they should be very thankful to our veterans for all that they have been given. I just wanted to share that my appreciation for all those who have served before or who are currently serving in the military. God bless you all!! May I always work hard to earn the rights that have been provided me!! HaPpY VeTeRaN's DaY!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

One Week Left

So we're supposed to close in one week from today...and I am seriously hoping we can get it all done!! We have to do the trim this week, and clean up the exterior. Thank goodness my parents are coming to help!! The electrician, and heating guys both have to come and finish, but it really is coming along. Wish us luck!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Are You Getting Tired Of Hearing About The House Yet??

I am...but it's what I do day in and day out, so that's what you get :0). Today Eric and I worked on the rock and made some serious progress (more than what you see on the photo). We're hoping for good weather tomorrow so we can get it done and move inside before we get snow!! The Lord has helped us so much with the weather and being able to find subs to help us finish in time!! Everywhere around us has seemed to be getting snow, but the storm that was supposed to come our way didn't and we are so grateful!!! Eric's friend, Danen, and his brother are here helping us get all the tile done and we are so happy!! It is turning out so awesome and we are so glad that Lamar is gone and our finish work is getting done so much better!!! We are looking forward to being done and moving in to enjoy the fruits of our labor!! It has been a pretty stressful time and I feel like all I do is work, but soon enough we will be in and ready for visitors!! The appraisal finally came in, our insurance is square away, and our loan is almost done-can I get a Hallelujah?!!! (It's a ton of work!!) The last two days at the house have been interesting because the long awaited beams and steel valleys were put in---which was no small feat!! They put the valleys in today, and at 600 lbs a piece it was pretty incredible to watch!! We love the patio covering they put up downstairs and can't wait to put in matching posts when the groud unfreezes!! BTW the photo of my little feline friend is quite cute huh? This little guy showed up at our house on Friday and has no tags. He is so good though!! I seriously am not a huge pet fan, but I have thought about keeping this little guy!! The electrician has been taking him home at night to feed him and bringing him back during the day to keep us company. He just sits in whatever place is being worked on and is super friendly and never barks-so cute, but he sheds so he will not be staying. Our Halloween pretty much consisted of doing the house with minimal time spent in festivity. I did go with my friend Shanoa to the ward party last night, and stole someone else's baby so I could go in the cake walk-haha. Working at the Elementary has been so fun and the Halloween parade and parties did not disappoint-the kiddos looked so cute!! Eric and I didn't get to dress up this year, but I have some amazing ideas for next year!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just Us 2009 Style and A Little Venting...

Here is a preview of us...courtesy of me running back and forth to set the timer. I need to figure out my remote...was gonna do it and then company came. At least we still got some photos in before the weather really turned south!! You can get a sneak peek of our Christmas card on my blog

****Oh BTW did any of you feel a breeze, or get a crazy whiff of something nasty? If so, I apologize...that was the crap hitting our fan :0). (Sorry, I have to have fun with this somehow to keep the sanity). Our builder skipped town on us and left us and the financer to figure out how to get our house completed by November 15th-fun, thanks for the all the patience building you turd of a man. In a way I saw it coming, and in a way I am glad. However, it's like breaking up through the phone...use your cahonas and dump me in person, seriously. He ran away like a dog with his tail between his will catch up to him eventually, and now I get to save some money and get it done right-with about the same amount of stress. So, please excuse our smell...we're working on cleaning up the mess as we speak ;0).
Fresh weeks to all my friends!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Our Week

Kinda boring I know...but exciting that the doors are finally hung!!
The kitchen is finally starting to come together!!
My $108 dollar break from school....
The master bathroom.
The flooring is going in.
The spare bathroom.
The front-it is finally changing again!!

I love how everyone is blurring around them in these photos!!!!

I finally have some photos to upload along with the house!! This week was Homecoming and I am so glad to say that both the varsity football and volleyball teams won!! It was on Thursday night which made it super hard to want to go to school on Friday, especially since we have Monday off. Today was our Super Saturday here and I taught earring making-which was a huge hit!! I probably have 10 new pairs of earrings to show as models because of teaching!! I also had the chance to get a head start on some Christmas presents!! Eric is taking a break to go fishing today, but tonight he has to be a chaperon for the Homecoming dance-which I think is pretty funny since he's not really into things like that. They have not been working on the house the last couple of days, but we have decided I think to put the beams in the roofing structure so that you can't see them. The kitchen cabinetry has been put in, and is almost complete. I think they turned out really great!! They look black but they are actually a really dark brown. They turned out a little darker than what we wanted, but I still really like them!! They have also started on our flooring, the wood floor is going down and so is the backer board for the tile. The brick out front is almost complete, but they ran out of mortar so they should be finishing that up next week. The house is almost all sided as well. It seems to be moving along quickly, but we know how much they still have to get done in less than one month so I am not quite sure they will make it. None the less we are happy with how it is all turning out. One the bummer side...while trying to be quick since I was leaving work to get the appliances delivered, I recieved a nice speeding ticket on my way back. The worst part is I knew I totally deserved it, and then to top it all off the guy took like 15 minutes writing it so it made me even later that than it would have if I had just gone the speed limit!!! (That'll make you want to scream at the man) So...$108 later, I have learned my lesson-lie about why you were speeding to try and get off (j/k).
Happy ticket free weeks to all my friends!!

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's Our Baby....

Seriously messy...not so good for the OCD in me...
Rock and siding is going on...
Master bedroom is currently getting hardwood...
Paint and texture is pretty much done...

Yea....we are closed in now!!
I know for some of you it is a little old hearing about the house (Shayne), but I like to think of it as our baby, which makes me feel better about the extreme obsession. For example these are some similarities I anticipate when we actually do have a baby: We wait with anticipation as it changes and progresses. We're super proud of how it's turning out. It has caused moments of extreme stress, anxiety, excitement, tears, ect. It's super messy!! We have lots of people around for support, information, and TLC when it/we need it. Like a proud parent I like to show people pictures and talk about it :0). I think about it all the time and wonder if everything will be okay, will it look alright (you know you think it-haha), will everything function properly when we are in, will we have problems down the road, ect. Although it's not really a baby (I know some of you were hoping for an announcement), it will have to do for now. Besides, I am surrounded by babies and mommies to be that will let me share in their joy until it's really our turn. BTW....the painting is done, the rock is going on, the hardwood is going in, the garage doors are on, the septic is finished, the appliances are coming tomorrow, and it should be done in a month or so.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Say What???

I was in PE today with a group of Kindergartners and the PE teacher was talking about safety (it's fire safety week) and who comes to help us when we get sick. Well, we live in a pretty small town and all we have is a clinic so she told them that if they were too sick that they will put you back in the ambulance and maybe even in a helicopter to take you somewhere else. She then asked for suggestions of where they would take you and the kids answered with various places including Jackson, Idaho, and Rock Springs. The best answer however was a little girl that said, "or even sometimes they might dig a hole and put you in the ground". Say what??? I about died laughing...don't kids say the darnedest things??

Monday, October 5, 2009

Us Lately

WARNING-It's lengthy (and the photos are bachwards-but you can figure it out), but hey it's my blog so I am entitled to vent and celebrate a bit when it's needed...

So...we have had some issues with the house as I am sure some of you have read on Facebook. We had to bring in a structural engineer to check out the roof and a few other things. He came back with a small list of things to do, which included adding beams to the roof. I just talked to him again today and after what we thought would be 4 exposed beams it is now sounding like it will be 6 to get our roof past the 15 lbs snow load it has right now. For those of you who don't know much about snow load and Pinedale, we need more than that because that will only hold 1.5 ft of snow before you start to have issues that show within your home. Needless to say it has been pretty stressful and we have had quite an unhappy contractor-but I don't feel too bad because he should have done it right the first time and if he was unsure about snow load because he's from Georgia he should have done some research. So...N-E-Ways, we are waiting until tomorrow to hopefully sort it all out and get our house back on the track to completion. They now have the septic in (which is the huge concrete tank you see them putting in in the photo), and have started the outside to have the rock put on. They also have all the taping done and sanded, and the windows and wells put in the basement.

Eric was able to go hunting during all of these roofing issues-I tried hard to talk with everyone on my own to sort it out, but the contractor refuses to listen to me and my logic :0) Anyways Eric was able to stay out there even though he was stressed and on his last day he shot a great 6 point bull. We got lots of meat and he is super excited to have one of his best Elk kills yet!!

On another note I had a birthday on Saturday and turned 1/2 of 50 (even though the candles only say 20...we used what we had). We were able to go to SLC with Eric's Mom and Brother to see his other brother and his wifey. We had a super fun time and I had an awesome birthday. I was able to hang out with my good friend from H.S. -she was so sweet and took me to breakfast!! I had the best syrup I have ever had (no offense Mom)-lots of butter involved I am sure!! Thanks Linds-you're the best and I will miss you like crazy!! Then I was able to do some serious shopping with Eric and the fam. For lunch we went to Tucano's-nothing like a little Brazilian food, but the funniest part was when they came to sing to me as we were headed out the door-they were super slow. The looks on their faces when they got to the empty table...almost better than the looks of the dessert they were carrying-hahaha. To top it all off we went to a comedy show, and convinced them to do a funny game involving blind folds-acting-and mousetraps (notice the guys clenched toes as he is taking a step). To finish off my great day we had fondue...could a girl ask for anything more???? We had cake on Sunday after a wonderful meal of steak and coconut shrimp-yummy!!! Thanks to you all for a great birthday!!

The only downside of the trip was driving home in tons of rain, sleet, and snow!! Peggy and Cam had to stay the night with us last night because the pass was closed for them to make it home. We have had snow off and on all day today, and still have a bit on the ground. Nothing like an early snow to prepare you for winter. Pray for us that it will stop until they get the roof fixed :0).