Monday, August 30, 2010


Sometimes, okay-a lot of the time-Eric and I spend an evening together watching a movie or two. I have seen some great ones, funny ones, quirky ones, boring ones, lovey ones (not Eric's fav), sporty ones (definitely his fav), and every now and again we get the opportunity to watch an inspirational life changing one. I thought I would post about 2 of these so that other people can enjoy them with me. The first is called "How To Save A Life", and the second is called "Letters To God". They are both amazing, and based on true stories. It reminds me that miracles are still happening and that awesome people are still a huge part of this world. It's too bad though, I just wish the world was more in to things of this nature instead of the influx of rated R flicks. Maybe, someday-all our choices will be inspiring...wouldn't that be amazing?
Inspirations for all my friends!

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