Monday, December 20, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
First Big Snow
Friday, November 5, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
All Hallows Eve...
Monday, October 25, 2010
End of October Musings
Friday, October 22, 2010
Check me out...I'm goin' LIVE!
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Fall Review has been crazy lately. Even as I post this I know I should be doing a million other things, but such is life right? Anyways, these past couple months have been a bit of a blur. We have started school, gotten older, and see Fall come and go. We had the opportunity to spend my birthday weekend in Utah(the big 26...the year I always thought would be best). We hung out with Chad, Jessica, Caydence, Peggy, and Cameron. We all went to Lagoon for Frightmares and had a blast! Eric has been able to go fishing and hunting. He killed an average sized buck on some private property that made for easy hunting...except dragging it back across a river. The worst part I think was hanging it when he got home. He was the muscle that picked it up...while I tried to pull the rope tight. It was pretty humorous because we had it tied off to 2 anchors and a freezer. Eric was supposed to go with a friend the week before, but then his friend hurt his knee and couldn't go. Although he was bummed he made the most of it and went fishing instead. The mouse photo is kinda funny because I put up 2 traps and had them full within 20 minutes...but we haven't seen a mouse since. Eric was freaking out because he had to help clean them out to reset them...the only reason we even knew was because the one was caught at the mid-section but still alive. I really hate mice, but I guess that's part of living in the country without a cat (which I refuse to get-yuck!). Beside mouse catching and laughing my head off working in K-1, I have been crafting and editing like a crazy woman. A friend from school and I put together a basket for another friend who was getting married. We went with a cooking theme and made bathroom people aprons...that went perfect with the card I had made. I have 2 upcoming posts at Ella this week which kept me busy creating this weekend. I also had the opportunity to trade my photo services for getting my car detailed...which turned out amazing! I haven't had it cleaned really well since we bought it...because it was a lease to a family it was kinda dirty in places I couldn't reach. It has been so awesome, although hard, because now I almost don't even want to drive in it because I know it will get dirty. We have also done some work on the house...including cleaning up the rock and getting the deck done. We only have to do a bit more to get the deck done which will be nice. I have also almost finished up the upstairs and have most of our things hung. The crazy thing about all of this is we are for sure going to sell. It's no longer an if, but a when. We are super excited about this though and already planning the next house (at least I am-hehe). I am looking forward to being able to go to the scrapbook retreat with family and friends this weekend...and will have more to post about soon I am sure. Although it has been a crazy fast fall, we have been super blessed and are having an amazing time way out here in Wyoming.
Until next time...Fall love to all my friends!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Learning To Be
Monday, August 30, 2010
Inspirations for all my friends!
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Birthday Girls
A place to call home for all my friends!
Friday, August 13, 2010
August Whirwind
I was hoping as we were nearing the end of August things would start to slow down so we could have a break before we went back to work...but alas, it's not happening. We have been able to do some great things though. We went to Boise (last post), had family photos taken (just started getting a peak at a few and I love them!), I finished up my swap kit early (and with no help-amazing I know!), had an early Christmas from my Grandma and finally received new (and much needed) pans, and were able to camping with Eric's mom and brother. You can see in the photo that our old pots from Walmart had seen their days...they were literally starting to fall apart...the only one that remained semi-nice was one from Jen and Mike Higbee for a wedding gift, so I guess now we know-Walmart pans have limited years of usage. We had tons of fun going camping with Eric's family, however, I got a nasty summer head cold and went home early. While we were there though Eric took Cam-Man fishing, and I went on a four-wheeler ride with Peggy and Frank. The scenery was beautiful and I had a great time....but being stuffed up made for a tough ride. They broke me in fast on the four-wheeler...I should have taken a photo! My four-wheeler came back the dirtiest even though we all went through the exact same stuff. I went through deep water, mud, up steep stuff and down steep stuff, through a rainstorm, and even had to reverse through a mud bog. We were on our trip for about 6 hours and saw 8 deer, 1 moose, and lots of amazing Wyoming scenery! I have been finishing up the rest of the softball season with the team that picked me up (finals are tonight), my summer curriculum work, and next week I will be working to unpack the school. Eric has been guiding and fishing as much as he can. We still have one more trip back to Pocatello for my nieces birthday, another week for me to nanny and work on the house, and then school starts again. I cannot believe a whole summer has almost gone by! All in all our summer has been great but fast...only 2 more weeks before we go back!
Slower Augusts for all my friends!